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News & Events

Hall of Wisdom: Eason Chan
大學問:陳奕迅《Shall We Talk?》
Date 日期:  08 Nov 2016
Time 時間: 7:30pm - 9:30pm
Venue 地點: Grand Hall, HKU
Medium 語言: Cantonese
Speaker(s) 講師: 陳奕迅博士 Dr. Eason Chan (歌手、演員、英國金斯頓大學榮譽文學博士 )
Summary 內容: 陳奕迅從二十年前的頑皮小子蛻變成今日的一代歌神,借《大學問》節目,讓我們把焦點從他登台的震撼與退場的落幕抽離,而是拋開舞台上的拘束,用心交談,細心傾聽,一探他的心路歷程及所思所想。

Co-presented by HKU GE and RTHK, the lecture series Hall of Wisdom will bring masters from different sectors to HKU. In this episode, Dr. Eason Chan will tell us his own stories in the music journey.

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