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News & Events

Public Lecture
Hong Kong as an Innovation Hub for Technology
Date 日期:  19 Apr 2016
Time 時間: 6:45pm - 8:15pm
Venue 地點: KB223, 2/F, Knowles Building, HKU
Speaker(s) 講師: Mr. Nicholas W. Yang 楊偉雄先生
Summary 內容: The newly established Innovation and Technology Bureau aims to facilitate the development of a knowledge-based economy and technological innovations in Hong Kong. What does it take to successfully transform Hong Kong into an innovation hub in the region? What are the major hurdles and the possible strategic solutions? Please join this forum and share your views with the Secretary for Innovation and Technology.
Mr. Nicholas W. Yang 楊偉雄先生
Secretary for Innovation and Technology
The Government of the HKSAR
Date: 19/4/2016 (Tue)
Time: 18:45 – 20:15
Venue: KB223, Knowles Building, HKU
Language: English
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