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News & Events

Public Lecture
Successful Moderating Skills
Date 日期:  12 Feb 2015
Time 時間: 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Venue 地點: KB114, Knowles Building
Speaker(s) 講師: 麥嘉緯先生 Mr. Erik Mak Ka-wai
Summary 內容: 一場論壇中,怎樣才算得上是一個好主持人? 應該如球證,維持比賽秩序,不偏不倚,尊重各方發表意見的權利,抑或要有個人風格、意見和立場?當雙方爭持不下時,應如何平衡各方意見?另外,促進講者與台下觀眾互動,又有甚麼秘訣?

To successfully moderate a forum or talk is a skill which needs to be understood and put into practice to ensure that the event goes as smoothly as possible. A good moderator can facilitate discussion between the presenters and the audience and thus enhance the width and depth of the learning process. In this interactive session, Mr. Erik Mak Ka-wai, the presenter at RTHK’s public and current affairs section, will demonstrate the successful moderating skills.
Participants of this session will have the opportunity to be the moderators of upcoming GE events.

Date:         12 Feb 2015 (Thu)
Time:         18:30 - 20:00
Venue:         KB114, Knowles Building

Language:        Cantonese
For HKU students only:
Bio of Speaker(s) 講者簡介: Erik Mak麥嘉緯先生 Mr. Erik Mak Ka-wai