Public Lecture
Date 日期: | 31 Mar 2025 | |||||
Time 時間: | 6:30pm - 9:45pm | |||||
Venue 地點: | 香港大學黃麗松講堂 Rayson Huang Theatre, HKU | |||||
Speaker(s) 講師: | 黃修平 Adam Wong 吳祉昊 Marco Ng |
Summary 內容: | 電影《看我今天怎麼說》 講述三位聽障青年,因不同的生活選擇而展現截然不同的生命態度。自小生活在無聲的世界中,以身為聾人為榮的子信;自幼接受人工耳蝸手術,努力融入「正常人」生活的素恩,以及同樣植入人工耳蝸,但擁有口語能力並融入健聽社會的 Alan。 三人因手語結緣,成為好友。在友情的碰撞與磨合中,他們逐漸成長,並開始重新審視自身身份與選擇,最終迎來生命的重大轉變。電影以細膩的手法展現聾人社群的多樣性與內心掙扎,啟發觀眾對聾人世界及其獨特處境的深入理解。 放映結束後,導演黃修平及演員吳祉昊將出席映後談,分享電影的創作靈感與背後的故事。作為沒有任何幕前經驗的聾人演員,現就讀於香港大學的吳祉昊將分享他在拍攝過程中的經歷與挑戰,以及如何透過角色表現真實的情感與掙扎。 The Way We Talk follows three deaf youths with vastly different approaches to life: Wolf embraces his deaf identity, Sophie strives to integrate into the hearing world with a cochlear implant, and Alan, also with a cochlear implant, navigates between both worlds. Brought together by sign language, their friendship grows through moments of conflict and reflection, leading them to re-evaluate their identities and life choices. The film offers a nuanced portrayal of the deaf community’s diversity and struggles, inspiring a deeper understanding of their unique experiences. Following the screening, Director Adam Wong and Actor Marco Ng will join a post-screening discussion to share insights on the creative process. Marco, a deaf actor and current student at the University of Hong Kong, will also reflect on his filming challenges and how he brought authenticity to his role. 日期 Date: 31/3/2025 (Mon) 時間 Time: 18:30 – 21:45 地點 Venue: 香港大學黃麗松講堂 Rayson Huang Theatre, HKU 放映 Screening: 18:30 – 20:45 (132 mins) 香港手語、廣東話配以中英文字幕 HK Sign Language, Cantonese with Chinese & English subtitles 映後談 Post-Screening Sharing: 20:45 – 21:45 香港手語、廣東話 HK Sign Language, Cantonese* 嘉賓 Guest Speakers ▸ 黃修平 Adam Wong (導演 Director) ▸ 吳祉昊 Marco Ng (演員及港大學生 Actor & HKU Student) 學生主持 Student Moderators: ▸ Yap En Yu (BSc, Year 4) ▸ Renee Chan (BA, Year 3) ▸ Susie Lee (BA, Year 2) *Simultaneous Interpretation in English will be provided upon request by 24 Mar. 免費入場,須預先登記。 Free admission. Registration is required. 報名 Registration : 此活動登記的名額已滿。成功登記的學生將會在3月28日前收到確認電郵。 Registration is full. All successful registrants will receive a confirmation email by 28 Mar 2025 (Fri). |《看我今天怎麼說》電影資料 About "The Way We Talk": |
Bio of Speaker(s) 講者簡介: |