Date 日期: | 27 Mar 2025 | |||||||||||||||||
Time 時間: | 7:00pm - 9:00pm | |||||||||||||||||
Venue 地點: | Studio 303, CYMCC, HKU | |||||||||||||||||
Summary 內容: | 《「堅詞」創作》鼓勵學生參與創作,今年的歌詞創作比賽反應熱烈,收到近80份來自港大及香港各中學同學的作品,當中有13首作品將於音樂會中表演。 除得獎同學外,我們亦邀請了創作歌手Manson 張進翹、音樂人黃靖、RUMBU及來自第一屆《「堅詞」創作》的得獎者Nicole等表演作品。 Keen Lyricist Quest (KLQ) encourages students to explore their creativity in lyric writing. This year’s Lyric Writing Competition received an enthusiastic response, with nearly 80 submissions from students at HKU and various secondary schools across Hong Kong. Among them, 13 pieces will be performed at the Showcase. In addition to the award-winning students, we have also invited singer-songwriter Manson Cheung, musician Jing Wong, RUMBU, and Nicole, the award-winner of the first round of KLQ, to perform the songs. | 特別嘉賓 Special Guests 黃靖 Jing Wong (@jingwongmusician) 張進翹 Manson Cheung (@mansonvibes) 李海晴 Nicole Lee (@nickel_lhc) RUMBU (@rumbusowhat) | 演出作品 Featuring Works 《此訊息已刪除》 劉建燊 《天黑時請閉眼》 劉建燊 《孔乙己》 鄺曉嵐 《佐佐木禎子》 許珀瑜 《和你到小城走一回》 王芸韵 《緣》 蕭晉熙 《雙色失落冰》 何正禧 《臨別之言》 趙海約 《清醒夢》 周穎妍 《論世道》 王博謙 《Mind Your Own Business》 潘夢茵 《好高騖遠》 章綿康 《有線耳機》 章綿康 | 報名 Registration > 港大學生及職員 HKU Students & Staff (開始報名日期 Registration starts on March 14, 2025) – https://hkuems1.hku.hk/hkuems/ec_hdetail.aspx?ueid=99310 > 公眾及校友 Public & Alumni (開始報名日期 Registration starts at 14:00, on March 16, 2025) – https://hkuems1.hku.hk/hkuems/ec_hdetail.aspx?guest=Y&ueid=99333 A confirmation email will be sent on March 24 (Mon) to those who have successfully registered for the event. 成功登記人士將會在3月24日收到確認電郵。 更多關於《「堅詞」創作》2025 的資訊 More about Keen Lyricist Quest 2025: https://www.cedars.hku.hk/ge/programme/detail?id=939 The Outstanding Works Showcase is part of the programme “Keen Lyricist Quest 2025” which is supported by the HKU Knowledge Exchange Fund granted by the University Grants Committee. |
Bio of Speaker(s) 講者簡介: |