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News & Events

Public Lecture
Keen Lyricist Quest (for secondary school students)
「堅詞gin1 ci4」創作 2025(中學組)
Date 日期:  06 Feb 2025
Time 時間: 12:00am - 12:00am
Summary 內容: 結合文字/音樂/生活
堅持創作 超越想像




Integrating Words/Music/Life
Connecting Minds/Souls/World
Keen On Creating    Beyond Imagination

In Chinese popular music, lyrics are essential, intertwining lyrical phrasing with melody and rhythm to resonate emotionally while also serving as literary works that connect with a diverse audience.

Since its launch in 2022, the Keen Lyricist Quest has received an overwhelming response. In the third round of the Keen Lyricist Quest, CEDARS-GE will invite industry professionals and university scholars to explore the art of lyric writing through a seminar on lyrics appreciation and writing, lyric writing workshop, a competition and a showcase of outstanding works. This programme aims to empower the creative expression and language literacy of students and the public, enhance lyric appreciation skills, and promote the exchange of knowledge.

CEDARS-GE hopes to uphold the spirit of the Keen Lyricist Quest and encourage more students to engage in creative endeavors. Whether you are an aspiring lyricist or a music enthusiast, you are welcome to join the Keen Lyricist Quest! Through this platform, you will have the opportunity to connect with like-minded peers and seasoned industry professionals, and to present your work at the showcase.

This programme is supported by the HKU Knowledge Exchange Fund granted by the University Grants Committee. 
計劃顧問 Project Consultants:
朱耀偉教授 Prof. Chu Yiu Wai Stephen
黃志淙博士 Dr. Wong Chi Chung


▮「學析 · 作詞」講座 Seminar – Exploring Cantonese Lyrics through Industry and Academia Perspectives


The seminar will examine the art of writing Cantonese lyrics and lyric-writing skills from both industry and academic perspectives. Through the sharing of guest speakers' creative experiences, participants will gain valuable insights into creativity and lyrical appreciation. 

Moderator: 朱耀偉教授 Prof. Chu Yiu Wai Stephen

Speakers: 周耀輝教授 Prof. Chow Yiu Fai, 李文曦 Oscar Lee, Luna Is A Bep

日期 Date: 6/2/2025 (Thu)
時間 Time: 19:00 – 21:00
地點 Venue: 香港大學黃麗松講堂 Rayson Huang Theatre, HKU
語言 Language: 廣東話 Cantonese

▶ 報名 Registration*:
即將公佈 To be announced. 

▶ 團體報名Application Period: 25/11/2024 (Mon) – 12/12/2024 (Thu)


▮ 歌詞創作比賽
Lyric Writing Competition (中學生組 Secondary School Students)

學生可以就現有流行歌曲改編歌詞,或提交原創作品(包括詞曲),音樂種類不限。由專業評審挑選的優秀作品 在2025年3月的得獎作品音樂會享有發表機會。

Submissions may be adaptations of existing pop songs or original compositions. All music genres are welcome. Outstanding entries selected by the professional jury will be featured in our Outstanding Works Showcase in March 2025.

比賽日程 Competition Schedule
Submission Deadline
 08 Feb 2025 (Sat)
Judging by professional panel

 Feb 2025

Voting Period on social media platforms
 17 – 21 Feb 2025 (Mon – Fri)

Announcement of Results

 24 Feb 2025 (Mon)
Outstanding Works Showcase cum Prize Presentation

 27 Mar 2025 (Thu) 
評審 Judges
1) 專業評審 Professional Adjudicator Panel
  • 黃志淙博士 Wong Chi Chung (評審團主席 Chair of the Panel)
  • 朱耀偉教授 Chu Yiu Wai Stephen
  • 陳浩然 Edward Chan
  • 鄭敏 Cheng Man
  • 李文曦 Oscar Lee
  • Luna Is A Bep
2) 主辦單位 Organiser
  • 香港大學學生發展及資源中心(通識)
    General Education Team, CEDARS, HKU (CEDARS-GE)
獎項 Prizes
中學生 Secondary School Students
  • 冠亞季軍各1名,3首作品將於得獎作品音樂會演出。
    1 Champion, 1 First Runner-up and 1 Second Runner-up. These 3 pieces of work will be performed at the Outstanding Works Showcase.
所有得獎者將獲頒證書。All winners will be awarded a certificate. 

比賽規則 Competition Guidelines (中學生組 Secondary School Students):
  1. 所有中學生均可參加比賽。All secondary school students are eligible to join the competition.
  2. 提交的作品可以改編現有歌曲的歌詞或為原創作品(包括詞曲)。所有音樂類型均可,歌詞語言可使用廣東話或普通話。The submission can be written based on existing songs (adaptation) or original music. All music genres are welcome. The language of lyrics can be in Cantonese and Putonghua.
  3. 每位中學生只能提交1件作品。重複提交的作品將會被自動取消。如因技術問題需重新提交作品,請電郵到,並清楚列明全名及學校名稱。Each student can submit 1 entry. Duplicated submissions by the same person will be withdrawn automatically. In case you have encountered any technical problems during submission and wish to re-submit your files, please contact CEDARS-GE at by stating your full name and school.
  4. 共同創作的作品請在申請表中列出所有共同創作者,並確保所有參與作曲及作詞者均為中學生。對於共同創作的歌詞,所有成員必須來自同一中學;而作曲部分,來自不同中學的學生也可以參與同一作品的創作。For collaborative submissions, please list all co-creators in the application form. Please ensure that all co-creators (lyricists and composers) are secondary school students. For co-created lyrics, all members must be from the same secondary school; however, composers may come from different secondary schools to collaborate on the same work.
  5. 已發表的作品不被接受。Previously published works are not accepted.
  6. 以下任何類型的作品均會被取消參賽資格 Any types of the following entries shall be disqualified in the competition:
    - 任何形式的抄襲 Any form of plagiarism
    - 任何侵犯第三方版權的作品 Any entries that infringe the copyright of any third party
    - 任何包含暴力、淫穢或粗俗內容的作品 Any entries that contain content of violence, obscenity and profanity
    - 任何可能具侮辱性、誹謗性或歧視性的作品 Any entries that may be insulting, defamatory or discriminatory
    - 任何可能以商業目的推廣某人、某些產品或服務的作品等 Any entries that may be commercial-driven promoting someone, some products or services, etc.
  7. 所有最終提交的作品可能會在香港大學網站、社交媒體平台及/或其他電子/網絡平台上發佈,用作宣傳和内部記錄之用。All final submissions may be published on the website, social media platforms, and /or other digital / web-based platforms of HKU for promotional and archival purposes.
  8. 如有任何爭議,CEDARS-GE保留最終決定權。In case of any disputes, CEDARS-GE reserves the right of final decision.
  9. 若比賽規則的英文與中文之內容有任何歧義,則以英文版本為準。In case of discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of these competition guidelines, the English version shall prevail.
 報名 Application
中學生 Secondary School Students: 

截稿日期 Submission Deadline: 23:59, 8 Feb 2025 (Sat)

Outstanding Works Showcase

日期Date:  27/3/2025 (Thu)
時間Time:  19:00 – 21:00
地點Venue:  香港大學 莊月明文化中心 劇場303 Studio 303, CYMCC, HKU

得獎作品音樂會的詳情將於稍後公佈。Details of the Outstanding Works Showcase to be announced.


查詢 Enquiries:

Bio of Speaker(s) 講者簡介: 
Prof. Chu Yiu Wai

朱耀偉教授 Prof. Chu Yiu Wai Stephen  

朱耀偉,香港大學香港研究課程教授,香港人文學院院士。在2013年加入香港大學之前,曾於香港浸會大學中文系及人文學課程任教逾二十年,爲人文及創作系創系主任。研究範圍包括香港文化、全球化及後殖民論述,著有專書三十餘種,論文散見Tamkang Review, Tsing-hua Journal of Chinese Studies, Social and Legal Studies, International Journal of the Sociology of Law,Social Analysis: The International Journal of Cultural and Social Practice, boundary 2, Visual Anthropology, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, Popular Music, International Journal of Cultural Studies, Journal of Chinese Cinemas, Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies Global Media and China等期刊。他是Brill 出版社“Hong Kong Studies: Humanities Perspectives, Global Dialogues” 、中華書局文化香港香港詞人叢書編輯,亦爲《南華早報》和信和集團合辦「香港精神獎」(文化; 2019)得主 

Prof. Chow Yiu Fai

周耀輝教授 Prof. Chow Yiu Fai 

周耀輝,畢業於香港大學英國語文及比較文學系,其後參與多種媒體工作。1989年發表第一首詞作,書寫歌詞及其他文字創作至今,出版一千多首詞作,以及文集《突然十年便過去》丶《7749》丶《假如我們甚麼都不怕》丶《紙上染了藍》丶《一個身體,兩個人》,曾獲多個詞作及其他文學獎項。 1992年移居荷蘭。2011年獲阿姆斯特丹大學傳媒學院博士學位,回港加入浸會大學,現職人文及創作系教授。近年亦參與舞台及視覺藝術創作。 
Edward Chan

陳浩然 Edward Chan 

Edward Chan 為EMP創辦人,為香港流行樂壇最受敬重的製作人之一。憑藉著二十多年的專業製作經驗,以及對旋律獨具一格的眼光,Edward對於塑造近代 Canto Pop面貌起了關鍵作用。Edward曲風多變,類型涵蓋浪漫抒情到跳唱舞曲,曾製作出多首點擊率破千萬的流行經典,合作歌手包括方大同、薛凱琪、陳柏宇和Mirror等。除監製工作外,Edward注重傳承精神,熱衷培育新生代音樂人,諸如Ariel Lai, Y.Siu及Cousin Fung等,均取得卓越的成績。 

Cheng Man

鄭敏 Cheng Man  

香港填詞人。至今發表超過 50 首作品,包括《DWBF》、《時候不早》、《未開始已經結束》,其中《時間的初衷》榮獲第 40 屆香港電影金像獎「最佳原創電影歌曲」。 

Oscar Lee

李文曦 Oscar Lee


填詞作品約三百首,其中本地流行榜冠軍歌包括Mirror《Reflection》、林奕匡《關於愛的碎念》、陳奕迅《致明日的舞》、陳健安《戀愛腦之死》、陳卓賢《抱抱無尾熊》、林家謙《喃嘸師感官漫遊》、衛詩《面對後悔的各種方法》、Collar 《call my name!》、鄭秀文《致我們的夢想》等等。 

Luna is a Bep

Luna Is A Bep 

Luna Is A Bep,2018 始在家創作低傳真(lo-fi)音樂,以文字出發,寫成饒舌音樂紀錄生活。由於音樂類型不拘一格,Luna Is A Bep活躍於不同音樂平台,如 ViuTV 的音樂節目 《Chill Club》、叱咤 903 流行曲頒奬禮 2023、亦曾於 Tone Music Awards 2022 憑《每當幻變時》一曲獲最佳電子音樂單曲奬。五年間於多個音樂會中參演,更活躍於 Clockenflap、HKT西九音樂節等國際級大型音樂節。除了獨立創作,Luna 亦積極與不同組織與創作人交流。如在 2019 年與食環署的「清潔龍呀德」合唱一曲《我的過去一言難盡但可以唱出來有人想知我就用歌聲答你thx》並參與創作部分。同時亦如一眾主流及獨立音樂人合作,曾合作單位包括KB、火火、mansonvibes、Jess@WHIZZ、Kerryta、Zelos 黃凱逸等。