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News & Events

Lecture, Performance
"Colorful Breeze" —— China's Ethnic Minorities Cultural and Artistic Night
Date 日期:  20 Oct 2024
Time 時間: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Venue 地點: Yuet Ming Auditorium, 5/F, CYMCC, HKU
Speaker(s) 講師: 崔玲玲 Cui Lingling
姜鐵紅 Jiang Tiehong 
音樂及舞蹈學院學生 Students of School of Music & Dance, Minzu University of China 
Summary 內容: ****由於反應熱烈,是次活動名額已滿,現已截止報名。 The registration quota is full.***

《中國少數民族藝術之夜》匯聚蒙古族、維吾爾族、藏族、 傣族等最具代表性的民族音樂及舞蹈節目。主要演出班底為中央民族大學舞蹈學院院長、音樂學院和舞蹈學院的學生,均為優秀的舞蹈及音樂人才, 不少演出項目更得到國家級獎項。


是次活動得到 「少雪齋藝術基金」鼎力支持,特此致謝。

Join us for a captivating evening showcasing the most authentic ethnic music and dance from various Chinese minority groups, including the Mongolian, Uyghur, Tibetan, and Dai. This event features performances by talented students from the Dance School and Music School of the Minzu University of China, led by the Associate Dean of the Dance School. Many of these performers are acclaimed as outstanding talents in their fields, with several performances having received national awards.

Experience a captivating blend of a lecture, performances, and an exhibition designed to foster cultural exchange and provide the audience with a rich tapestry of Chinese history, traditions, and emotional depth.

This event is supported by “Chamber of Young Snow Arts Fund”.

日期 Date: 20/10/2024 (Sun)
時間 Time: 19:00- 21:00
地點 Venue: 香港大學莊月明文化中心5樓月明劇院
Yuet Ming Auditorium, 5/F, Chong Yuet Ming Cultural Centre, HKU

節目内容 Programme

1. 文化講座
Cultural Lecture
講者 Speaker: 崔玲玲 Cui Lingling (中央民族大學教授 Professor, Minzu University of China)
語言 Language: 普通話 Putonghua (Simultaneous interpretation in English will be provided upon request by 13 Oct)

2. 音樂及舞蹈表演 
Music and Dance Performance
表演嘉賓 Performers: 
姜鐵紅 Jiang Tiehong (中央民族大學舞蹈學院院長 Associate Dean, School of Dance, Minzu University of China)
音樂及舞蹈學院學生 Students of School of Music & Dance, Minzu University of China

3. 少數民族文化展覽 Cultural Exhibition


The exhibition outside Yuet Ming Auditorium will showcase a series of pictures of the characteristics and humanistic customs of various ethnic minority areas. The audience is welcome to visit the exhibition before and after the lecture and performance.
報名 Registration:

港大學生及職員 HKU Students & Staff 

港大校友及公衆 HKU Alumni & Public 

報名注意事項 Registration Guidelines:

  • 免費入場,需預先登記。
    Free Admission. Registration is required.
  • 成功登記人士將於活動前收到確認電郵。
    Successful registrants will receive an email confirmation before the event.
  • 主辦單位有權更改節目資料及時間表。如有任何爭議,主辦單位保留最終決定權。
    The organisers reserve the right to modify programme details and schedule as necessary. In case of any disputes, the organisers retain the final decision-making authority.
指導單位 Advised by: 紫荊文化集團有限公司 Bauhinia Culture Group Corporation Ltd.
主辦單位 Organised by: 香港大學學生發展及資源中心(通識) CEDARS-GE, HKU & 香港聯藝機構有限公司 Hong Kong United Arts Entertainment Company Ltd.
協辦單位 Co-organised by: 中央民族大學 Minzu University of China
全力支持 Supported by: 少雪齋藝術基金 Chamber of Young Snow Arts Fund
Bio of Speaker(s) 講者簡介:  
 photo1崔玲玲 Cui Lingling

 photo2姜鐵紅 Jiang Tiehong
