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Public Lecture
Revisiting Public Examination Experience: ‘Once Upon a Time in HKDSE’ Screening and Talk
Date 日期:  30 Jul 2024
Time 時間: 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Venue 地點: 香港大學黃麗松講堂 Rayson Huang Theatre
Speaker(s) 講師: 許賢 Hui Yin @試當真 Trial and Error
贊師父 Leung Yik Ho @試當真 Trial and Error
文Sir Harvey Man @試當真 Trial and Error
阿果 Kenny Leung (文化評論人 Cultural Critic)
Jackie Wong (MBBS, Year 4)
Summary 內容: 周旋於課本、功課和無數測考之間,公開考試大概是每位大學生也難以忘記的一段共同經歷。由「試當真」團隊製作的電影《公開試當真》,除記錄了2023文憑試考生滕毅康的一段備試經歷,更為電影監製許賢解開了一道自高考以來纏繞多年的心結。



Rewinding to the days before university life, we have all gone through the struggle of juggling textbooks, homework and examinations. The latest documentary ‘Once Upon a Time in HKDSE 《公開試當真》’ produced by Trial and Error not only recorded the journey of Hong (滕毅康) as a ‘deadline fighter’ in 2023 HKDSE, but also helped Hui Yin, a 2011 HKAL candidate and one of the producers of the film, to reflect on his own experiences and the changes in his values due to the public examination.

In addition to enjoying the film as a well-produced documentary, CEDARS-GE hope that through the screening and talk, students will have a chance to revisit their experiences in public examinations, reflect on the difficulties they faced, and the emotions they encountered.

The screening will be open to HKU students only. Even if you have already watched the film, you are welcome to join and revisit it before the talk. The talk, on the other hand, will be open to all HKU students, staff, alumni, and those who have recently completed the 2024 HKDSE exam.

▍ 講座 Talk
香港考試制度下 青少年的身份與價值 Passing or Perishing? How Hong Kong's Education System Shapes Youth Identity

嘉賓 Guest Speakers: 許賢 Hui Yin @試當真 Trial and Error, 贊師父 Leung Yik Ho @試當真 Trial and Error, 文Sir Harvey Man @試當真 Trial and Error
主持 Moderator: 阿果 Kenny Leung (文化評論人 Cultural Critic)
學生講者 Student Speaker: Jackie Wong (MBBS, Year 4)

日期 Date: 30 Jul 2024 (Tue)
時間 Time: 19:30 - 21:00
地點 Venue: 香港大學黃麗松講堂 Rayson Huang Theatre, HKU
語言 Language: 廣東話 Cantonese (Simultaneous Interpretation in English will be provided on prior request)

Open to HKU students, staff, alumni, students from other higher education institutions, 2024 HKDSE candidates and public. 

報名 Registration:
HKU students and staff:
HKU alumni, 2024 HKDSE candidates, students from other higher education institutions and public:


▍ 放映會 Screening – 公開試當真 Once Upon a Time in HKDSE (for HKU Students ONLY)

Session #1

日期 Date: 29 Jul 2024 (Mon) (加場 Extra Session
時間 Time: 19:30 - 21:00 (90 minutes)
地點 Venue: Golden Scene Cinema (House 4)
語言 Language: 廣東話 Cantonese (Chinese and English subtitle)
費用 Fee: HKD30 (Original price: HKD100)

報名 Registration (HKU students only) (FULL)
* 此活動不設退款 This event is non-refundable.
Session #2
日期 Date: 30 Jul 2024 (Tue)
時間 Time: 16:00 - 17:30 (90 minutes)
地點 Venue: Golden Scene Cinema (House 3)
語言 Language: 廣東話 Cantonese (Chinese and English subtitle)
費用 Fee: HKD30 (Original price: HKD100)

報名 Registration (HKU students only) (FULL)
* 此活動不設退款 This event is non-refundable.

(If you have encountered any problem with Online Payment System, please feel free to contact us at

關於《公開試當真》Once Upon a Time in HKDSE



Trailer of Once Upon a Time in HKDSE: