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News & Events

Walking Tour

探索利園區 - 百年營造的故事導賞團
Date 日期:  13 Jul 2024
Time 時間: 2:30pm - 4:30pm
Venue 地點: Causeway Bay
Summary 內容: "Exploring Lee Garden - A Century of Placemaking" tour
探索利園區 - 百年營造的故事導賞團






是次導賞團以地方營造為主題,探索銅鑼灣充滿活力的社區心臟地帶,感受利園區的地方營造魅力。導覽最後一站更會參觀利園區精彩的百年歷史展覽,展出珍貴的文物、歷史影像圖片和多媒體資料,讓你更全面了解這個標誌性地區的豐富歷史、文化和社區精神。讓我們地區營造角 度重新認識銅鑼灣。


The tour will unveil the stories behind Causeway Bay, including:
- The intriguing tale of the rooftop farmers
- The origin of the term "Swiss Wings" (a local snack)
- The history of Lee Theatre as a launching pad for many stars' careers
Participants will take a leisurely stroll through the Lee Garden area, exploring the district's evolution from a fishing village to a bustling urban center. They will gain insights into Hysan's placemaking efforts and community development in the neighborhood over the past 100 years. The tour will culminate with a visit to Hysan's centennial exhibition, showcasing precious artifacts, historical images, and multimedia displays.

This tour is organised by Walk in Hong Kong and sponsored by the Lee Hysan Foundation.

Date: 13 July 2024 (Sat)
Time: 14:30 – 16:30 (Approx. 2 hr 15 min)
Language: Cantonese
Deposit: HK$50 (refundable upon full attendance)
Quota: 30
Meeting Point: Hysan Place Office Tower lobby (ground level)
Itinerary: Hysan Place rooftop farm > 4th floor Urban Park > Shops along Pak Sha Road > Lee Theatre Plaza > Lee Garden One > Exhibition

Registration (for current HKU students only): 

Application deadline is 12:00nn, 5 July. Quota is limited, first come first served. An email confirmation will be sent to students who have successfully registered for the programme.