The GE team is offering 50 programmes with around 100 sessions of talks/workshops/screenings/field trips each semester, and yet we are a very small team. Our programmes would not be complete without the help of GEST (GE Student Team)! If you are good at or interested in any field, join us! Since you have so many exciting ideas, we would also love to work with you to create something new together. All—local, international, undergraduate, postgraduate students—are welcome!
We are looking for:
Designer / Moderator / Simultaneous Interpreter / Programme Curator / Event Assistant / Chef / Farmer / Bartender / Community Builder / ______________ (fill in the blank)
Online Registration for GEST: https://www.cedars.hku.hk/ge/forms/node/463
Upcoming events to be curated by GEST:
GEST Skills Sharing and Training programmes include:
GEST Skills Sharing (Launch in Second Semester, 2017-18)
Over the years, we have recruited over 100 students to join the GE Student Team (GEST), helping out at our events as designers, moderators, co-curators etc. We are amazed by students’ talents and creativity and we believe that every student is a good teacher as well. So we are opening up our lovely space Gatherland for all of you to share your passion and knowledge.
If you have something you want to share, it could be showing us how to make a nice cocktail, bake the perfect triple layer chocolate cake, or even teach us how to skateboard, all (crazy) ideas are welcomed!
Who can be instructors: Full-time HKU students
Duration: One 1.5-hour session
Budget*: $300 material cost (on reimbursement with receipts)
Class size: At least 10 participants per session
*Participants may pay as they wish to the student instructors to support their skills sharing sessions.
Click into this online form to apply now!
We are looking for:
Designer / Moderator / Simultaneous Interpreter / Programme Curator / Event Assistant / Chef / Farmer / Bartender / Community Builder / ______________ (fill in the blank)
Online Registration for GEST: https://www.cedars.hku.hk/ge/forms/node/463
Upcoming events to be curated by GEST:
- Thursday Happy Hour – Tea from Around the World
- GE Concept Store
- GEST Skills Sharing
- Monthly Harvest Lunch
GEST Skills Sharing and Training programmes include:
- GEST Skills Sharing - The Creation of GE Posters 通識海報是怎樣煉成的
- GEST Skills Sharing: Stories of Us – Pop-Up Read-Aloud
- GEST Training: Moderating Skills Workshop 主持技巧工作坊
- GEST Training: Simultaneous Interpretation Workshop 即時傳譯工作坊
GEST Skills Sharing (Launch in Second Semester, 2017-18)
Over the years, we have recruited over 100 students to join the GE Student Team (GEST), helping out at our events as designers, moderators, co-curators etc. We are amazed by students’ talents and creativity and we believe that every student is a good teacher as well. So we are opening up our lovely space Gatherland for all of you to share your passion and knowledge.
If you have something you want to share, it could be showing us how to make a nice cocktail, bake the perfect triple layer chocolate cake, or even teach us how to skateboard, all (crazy) ideas are welcomed!
Who can be instructors: Full-time HKU students
Duration: One 1.5-hour session
Budget*: $300 material cost (on reimbursement with receipts)
Class size: At least 10 participants per session
*Participants may pay as they wish to the student instructors to support their skills sharing sessions.
Click into this online form to apply now!