
Suggested Actions for your study


Year 1

It¡¦s never too early to plan your career

Year 2

Research opportunities &

decide on options

Year 3

Make the match

Watch out for details of these programmes!

-  Attend orientation programmes to familiarize yourself with the services and facilities offered by the various units of HKU

-  Attend workshops on self-assessment to understand better your career inclination

-  Apply for programmes that are open to second year students e.g. Mentorship Scheme; HKU Worldwide Exchange Programme; Intensified Learning Opportunity Programme¡Ketc

-  Attend career talks and other activities which are aimed to help you decide your career choice



-  Attend recruitment presentations

-  Attend workshops on application letter and interview skills


Identify your career inclination

-  Begin the self-assessment process. Consider your interests, values, skills and motivations

-  Develop a tentative career plan.



-  Seriously continue an assessment of who you are and where you want to go, especially when the novelty of entering university is gone

Explore the academic and skills requirements for entering a profession/graduate school

-  Talk to people in the field of your interest to obtain insight, information, advice and feedback on your career choice.


Reassess your skills, abilities, personality traits and values and determine if your career choice is a good match

Develop a positive attitude and acquire new skills inside and outside classroom

Play hard: explore and participate in campus and community activities; seek ways to develop your potential.

Work hard: master the skills necessary for academic success e.g. study skills, time-management

-  Keep abreast of current affairs (both local and international)

-  Formulate a personal development action plan


Play hard: Take up a leadership role in at least one activity; continue to hone your key skills.

Work hard: Take relevant electives, evening courses and learn on your own to enrich your professional knowledge

-  Continue to keep abreast of current affairs

-  Keep track of your development plan progress; revise your plan if necessary.


-  Maintain a good balance of work and play

-  Study hard for you will need a reasonably good honours degree to compete for jobs or graduate school.

-  Attend relevant core or elective courses to top up your keys skills if they are not yet adequate to meet the requirement of graduate recruiters

-  Formulate your own viewpoint on current affairs issues

Reflect on your achievements 


Acquire Work Experience

-  Research and apply for internships, part-time or summer jobs

-  Develop good work habits.


-  Research and apply for internships, part-time or summer jobs which are related to your career choices


-  Apply for jobs or to graduate schools (remember to take relevant admission tests such as IELTS, GMAT..etc)


Prepare your marketing document

-  Start recording your achievements in résumé

Prepare your application letter for part-time and summer job applications

-  Continue to collect evidence of your achievement

-  Update your résumé and cover letter

-  Acquire interview skills


-  Finalize your application letter

-  Have other necessary documents such as transcript, testimonials, updated résumé, and covering letter...etc ready

-  Buy interview clothes


Other useful tips

-  Learn to appreciate talents and abilities you have to offer and begin to develop new skills and interests

-  Discover new experiences and new knowledge

-  Meet new friends

-  Meet Student Advisers at orientation programmes

-  Watch out for e-mail announcement on activities offered by the Careers Education team

-  Discuss your plan with a Student Adviser

-  Get to know several professors or your supervisors at work really well so that you can invite them to be your referees

-  Expand your personal network actively (including attending events organized by a professional association)


-  Seek advice on your job search strategies from a Student Adviser

-  Ask your professors (or work supervisors) for reference letters

-  Continue to network with new and former contacts

-  Read professional journals in your targeted career field to stay current with issues and trends



Career Education

Build Your


Research and
Explore Options
and Opportunities

Deciding on

Make the Match


Student Support Sector