Interview conducted in August 2005


Miss Rebecca Chan


University Education

Bachelor of Arts (Japanese Studies) (HKU, 2000) 


employment history

As soon as I graduated, I joined an international freight forwarding and logistics company, Nippon Express.

I undertook its Management Trainee programme in 2003 and was posted to the Global Sales Centre department in Japan for two years.  I am currently working in its Global Logistics Department in Hong Kong.


what were your job responsibilities?

I was responsible for managing the global accounts of a wide range of international clientele, coordinating the flow of our clientsˇ¦ goods from one country to another, and meeting our clientsˇ¦ various requirements upon their business expansion.


how did you prepare for the overseas posting?

As I was majored in Japanese Studies, I had no difficulty in ensuring my proficiency in Japanese. However, since Japan is a nation which much emphasises on business etiquette and courtesy, I did particularly learn more about their business culture and customs, and what they ordinarily say when they give speeches.


what are the ups and downs of working abroad?

Fortunately, the cultural differences between the Japanese and that of Hong Kong are minimal, especially in terms of their fashion styles and cuisines. Nevertheless, when it came to working, I experienced considerable frustration and isolation because very often the tasks of devising solution to complex problems and the major decision-making were left to the locals. Yet I overcame such hardship by trying to understand their culture, and observe the rationales behind their decisions.

With the relatively stronger language skills, I gained high job satisfaction in serving global clients. My Japanese colleagues often admired that I was multilingual.


what have you learned during your working abroad?

I observed that the Japanese often pay much effort in nurturing interpersonal relationship with  the clients to generate more business opportunities in return. As opposed to the practical approach Hong Kong people adopt at work, I appreciated more deeply the importance of interpersonal skills in business.


any advice for students who would like to work outside Hong Kong?

Donˇ¦t worry too much about the short-term sacrifices (e.g. not able to spend as much time with your family). Reach out and experience more during the earlier years of your career, as it would broaden your horizon and facilitate your career development.




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