November 2022 Issue 667

CEDARS News/ Programmes

GE Programme: [嘉賓: 導演曾慶宏、主演毛舜筠] 《過時‧過節》映後談 “Hong Kong Family” Discussion (22 Nov)
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Recruitment of Emcees/Presenters for Orientation Day for Non-local Students (Deadline: 27 Nov)
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【Uni-Y】招莊 - Serve the Community and Explore the World - Uni-Y (HKU) 10th ExCo Recruitment in Progress!
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Psychosocial Wellbeing Survey (for new students): identify resources and services that match your needs
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Join iMAP to connect and share with other HKU students your overseas or exchange experience
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Student Host Programme – Register now to enrich your university life and build up your experience!
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Careers News

STEM Internship Scheme – Training & Coaching Services
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DropPicker Career Library: Past Interview Questions At Your Finger Tips (Throughout the year)
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Interview Ready - Individual Interview Coaching Service (Throughout the year)
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HOUSE e-newsletter issue 205 (November 2022): What's Happening on Campus / Entrepreneurship Programmes / Competitions / Events / Articles
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Daily Jobs & Career Events
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Financial Resources and Educational Funding

University Financial Assistance - Student Travel/ Accommodation Loan (Throughout the year)
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External Learning Opportunities

Competitions, Funding, Conferences, Forums, Summits, Programmes, Events and Service Opportunities
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In the Community

COVID and the Young Brain Research 新冠肺炎與兒童及青少年腦部發展研究
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