January 2020 Issue 530

CEDARS News/ Programmes

Untold Stories of Ex-Offenders: New Community Engagement Programme (Deadline: 7 Feb)
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Register Your External Accomplishments for the 23rd Recognition Ceremony (Deadline: 23 Feb)
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Person Enrichment Programme - PEER to PEER (Registration from 5 Feb onwards)
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Recruitment of Co-creators of ‘Chat-on-Site’ Programme (Deadline: 7 Feb)
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Special Opening Hours of Campus Catering Outlets at the Commencement of the Second Semester and during the Chinese New Year Holiday 2020
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Talk to CEDARS - Schedule a private conversation
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Pre-Departure Notes for Outgoing Students 2019
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A Glimpse of Student Life @ HKU for Prospective Students 2020-21
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Dream Big! Explore our student stories which will inspire and encourage you.
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Share your own story with us - whether it is a small triumph or a life-changing moment! (Throughout the year)
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Student Host Programme – Register now to enrich your university life and build up your experience!
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Support to Student Groups – Exclusive to non-bona fide student societies of the Students' Union (Throughout the year)
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Financial Resources and Educational Funding

Bursaries for Students from Faculty of Business and Economics (Deadline: 7 Feb)
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Yang Tuck Ming & Wong Fund Ying Service Learning Fund Opens for Application (Deadline: 7 Feb, 5pm)
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Law Sun Service Learning Fund Opens for Application (Deadline: 7 Feb, 5pm)
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CEDARS Fund for Student Initiatives on Special Educational Needs (Throughout the year)
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University Financial Assistance - Student Travel/ Accommodation Loan (Throughout the year)
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Funding for International Conferences, Competitions and Service Project Leaders (Throughout the year)
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Careers News

One-on-One Career Advising Service Booking System (portal login required)
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Daily Jobs & Career Events
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Activities supported by CEDARS

11th University Scholars Leadership Symposium (Deadline: 18 Feb)
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External Learning Opportunities

Competitions, Funding, Conferences, Forums, Summits, Programmes, Events and Service Opportunities
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