

February 2010 Issue 41


CEDARS Programmes

Masquerade Party: Speed Dating Experience (Enrollment Deadline: February 12, 2010)
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Masquerade Party: Speed Dating Experience



Person Enrichment Workshops and Psychological Assessment
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Person Enrichment Workshops and Psychological Assessment

Recruitment Talks / Programmes of CEDARS-Careers and Placement
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Newest Issue of Dialogue
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Newest Issue of Dialogue

First-in-the-Family Education Fund (FIFE Fund) Opens for Application
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First-in-the-Family Education Fund (FIFE Fund)

Weekly bulletin of CEDARS-Careers and Placement
To check out career opportunities and to plan ahead, visit the weekly bulletin of Careers and Placement Section…
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News update of CEDARS-Campus Life
Check out the latest announcements of Campus Life Section…
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Students' Activities

Environmental Leader Learning Opportunity 環境領袖訓練課程
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Keeping Your Eyes Out

eBay Young Entrepreneur Challenge 2010 
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eBay Young Entrepreneur Challenge 2010 


YDC E-Challenge 2010 – Tertiary Student Category
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YDC E-Challenge 2010

HKU Marathon Team: Join Support Team and Cheer!
We need YOU and YOUR FRIENDS to form a strong Support Team on the Marathon day, February 28, 2010! Join us and enjoy EXCLUSIVE benefits which include:

  • Certificate in recognition of your contribution
  • FREE HKU Marathon Team Running Tee
  • Tailor-made log-book with expert tips, health and nutrition information

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SCMP/IFPHK Financial Planner Awards 2010 – University Student Category (Application Deadline: February 11, 2010)
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Other Activities of Outside Bodies
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